RAre you a social scientist that has heard about this R thing, but just can’t find a good entry point? Do you want to participate in open science?  Do you want your research analytic pipeline to be 100% reproducible? Have you ever worked in SPSS for hours only to realize you made a little mistake at the beginning and now need to redo everything?

In all of these cases, this page is designed to give you the resources to learn R! It is designed for a social scientist audience, meaning you are trained as a psychologist, sociologist, political scientist, etc., and now you want to augment your skills with this whole “data science” thing people keep talking about.

I have provided resources and sample syllabi so that you can do either of the following:

  • Teach yourself R without needing to decipher training materials in R clearly designed for full-time mathematicians, statisticians, or computer scientists
  • Design a 1-to-2 semester introductory course in R and data science techniques for social science graduate students or advanced undergrads

In other words, these materials are designed for people with no previous programming experience but general familiarity with traditional social scientific methods.  This includes basic research design and fundamental statistics (the general linear model, i.e., ANOVA and regression).  I have these materials them from the perspective of psychological science (i.e., empirical psychology), but the content can be easily applied to any social scientific field.

To explore course resources, check out any of the links in the menu bar at the top of this page or jump directly to the sample syllabus and weekly materials.

If you’d like to be kept in the loop on updates to this material, including the release of an advanced course, please consider joining my lab’s Google group/email newsletter.